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First Giving? The Possibility to Make This Cause Known FAR exceed what i do alone...!

What is Firstgiving? from Firstgiving on Vimeo.

`1 in 5 people due to autopsys have pituitary tumors.`

I enjoy wire wrapping beads, pendants, a little of just about anything. Everyone especially seems to enjoy the bookmarks, Actually i enjoy making the pieces used to make jewelry more than a whole piece :). Accent beads, charms, anything someone would like to add to their jewelry yet do not have time to or do not care about learning how to make those extra's, but like to use them with what they make . I sell some here and there & put into making cards to give out so that you will have all the information needed to be Fully Aware of these tumors.

The Truth verses Many well meaning but unqulified in the public and medical community can determine life or death determining any medical attention you may need or get. I know all to well i'm treading on controversal ground, but with what i've experienced concerning medical advice, the 2 years and hundreds of hours of research, flew Twice to a Duke dr. in NC, and have been in 4 states altogether, Please Know, i do Not sit here and rehash this because i enjoy it. Knowledge is power and if One person did Not have to walk down this 7 yr journey as i have but could go right to the correct doctor, rule out these tumors, along With having all endoctrinal issues ruled out or either went to the right doctor with `Knowledge` of this & Open to treatment. "Before" your whole body has been affected; I'll shout it from the rooftops! The truth for me is, If i never had to speak of it again it would be a Joy!

With Any health issue, Please do your own research, do not take anyone's advice until you are satisfied it is correct. (Do not take my advice, search for yourself!) Many people are misdiagnosed, constantly finding themselves in the Psy. unit and on so many meds for Years, yet still wondering why nothing works & still yet changing meds. Think twice friends, I've Been down that road, & thats been over 24 yrs ago. Its a much different game now, beware of Anyone, Dr. Nurse, etc...who says they diagnos you as this or that within the first visit! (the going diagnosis now is Bi-Polar!) I hope you remember that, i know bi-polar when i see it & when i Don't. Be Very aware if you go to an ER for something Other than to admit yourself to a psy. unit and someone trys to get you on their psy. floor!!! This is Not proper protocol, Nor is anything other than a Dr. asking you if you think about hurting yourself or someone else, and do you think you need to stay with us a few days or want to try going home??? This is Without Any feeling of them wanting you to or not. I've got a `chilling` story concerning this during an ER visit in March 2010 with heart palpitations that could have turned deadly had i taken this advice. Its posted in one of my posts below. There's a very good article out about Psy. issues and Medical issues concerning medical problems overlooked as being 'only' psychological. Never take a psy. "Diagnosis" before having your thyroid checked and all endroctrinal issue's. What are your syptoms first? Do a quick search online and see Other medical issues that have the same symptoms.

I'm considering making a First Giving Fundraising Page for the `Pituitary Network Association` as they Are Non Profit. They also have been my main source of information in the past years. They started in 1992. That Really hits home just How Little the public & Medical Field know about these tumors. So many have some very Major health issues including myself even though the drs. and specialist will deny it to the end.

My life has been changed so drastically that i do not remember what `Normal` was like. But, i do have an advantage, God lets Nothing happen concerning myself that is not to bring `GOOD` out of Pain. And for that i am so Very thankful!

Note- I tend to repeat myself Alot now, so please overlook it, many times even re-reading i may not catch something written more than once. Some posts just will not make much sense, and looks like i'm just all over the place from one thought to another then back again. This is just Part of it! :)

To Support The `PITUITARY NETWORK ASSOCIATION` directly please go to their website. this is also where i found the best and most complete info in words understandable to the layperson. with Love and the blessings of God` Cj

Monday, June 28, 2010

Monday Am Update`

6:30 am Monday 6/28/10

Just a note to myself this morning, and anyone who may want to can watch how things work around here!
 ---> Since i cannot retell the details one more time of every symptom, every date, etc since 2003, and writing it even on a laptop, its just not healthy at this time.
There is a story i would not believe if my hubby has not been with me at the most crucial times to verify things that happened, things said, not said, family, friends, deaths, accidental accidents, the Good things that Happen, the things that God has allowed me to experience that there is No possible way I could understand it if and when someone else had the same experience; much less give advice?! Through out cliche scriptures as if  a suffering soul has never heard it less than every time they have something come up.
I Need Someone not emotionally involved watching my 24 hour around the clock routine, has one of her spiritual gifts is `Mercy`, knows the Word!!! my age or a little older at least to tell this Journey as it unfolded and type it in for me.

If its not written now, much will be overlooked and or forgotten and it maybe just the very thing that Someone needs to survive long enough to come to Jesus```` I'm leaving this request at the cross; God is responsible for it now!

Regardless if my name is attached or Not... this is not About ME, its about what God Can Do When HE is FINALLY `ALL` you Have, not hubby or wife to count on, friend, family, neighbor, NO ONE.  I Only Thought i'd experienced that; Oh that is so far from the truth, i just did not know it. This is about God, and so much more, that will give Him the  Glory He deserves and Someone will Need This.

Ohhh...Something happened to part of this post when i saved it, well.......NOT to worry, when it needs to be here it will be!

NOTE---> Pray for Sarah, she's having a bone scan today, some knots have been found in her leg and obviously they are looking for cancer first. I found this out just last night at church, its been too long since last there.
I pray this way, Lord YOUR WILL BE DONE! Yes, i also pray every biblical way God gave us concerning sickness. 
I'd Much rather have God's Perfect Will For Her, than His Permissive will. I know that road, it's so easy to decieve ourselves, i sure am guilty of that.
`Perfect Will--- We can't loose either way don't you know!
`Permissive Will--- I think Alot now before praying, asking, who's will and way is most important as i rushed through what a normal day used to be, and sincerely praying, reading the word and love to talk with others. It's taken over 23 years, i lost something in my relationship with God when i got married, and Never could get that Close relationship back, i resented that!
But, i also remember what Paul said about staying single and getting married, so i thought, tried to convince myself, really didnt know, if that was how it was supposed to be.???? At this point i still cant say for sure, but i do know He will reveal it at some point, 40 yrs in the wilderness??? I understand why it takes a Lifetime to become Comformed to His Image?!
And here i thought living on the streets at 16 yrs old in a large city was hard, and the many things that i witnessed before and after that was my testimony of  Real hardship; to Many it will be. To Me, and Someone else out there in Gods timing; that was a minor skinned knee compared to these past few years.
I do Not regret Any part of this... and i say that kind of grinding my teeth; but i don't Want to settle for just a good relationship with God, my Hubby, others, or i led so and so many to Jesus before i got married, and say Real Repentance, and they still are living for Him today.
God does Not Settle because for whatever reason its not been figured out by ME yet. HIS `Perfect` Will is Just that!
` for Him, me, and `EVERYONE` concerning ME! Even though i've taken some low hits from those who are the closest to me,,,, if Not for that.........
His Perfect Will for `ME` also Affects YOU! Be Thankful its the `little` everyday details dealing with this (with me) that stress you out so you leave, can't take it so i get the worst of  your stress? 
 I'm NOT angry, until i understood just what was really going on in the Spiritual realm, i was Very Hurt to the Point God Needed to bring me to as of  Rock Bottom! God used everyone's little stress's, that the enemy mean't for Evil to Destroy me, To Accomplish the very thing He intended at the Perfect time on a hot night sitting on our backporch, actually i was standing by the chair.
One comment from the only person i Never thought would say anything but only in love, and didnt mean it to be bad, i know that.  I drive back to madisonville, and have been working Very hard renewing this mind, speaking truth the past 50 miles as to not give the enemy a foothold. I'm very used to this at this point.
Arriving home at dark, still confessing Truth over lies, little did i know one more jab with words  would come that night. It  would decide not only my future, to have one or not, & depending on the outcome of that, anyone whom i allowed myself to come in contact with me, would know too late the power of words.
 "Nothing can happen to you, me, your family everyone who means anything at all to you, unless... they know Christ and are living for Him, Unless.... God `Allows` spiritual wickedness in high places to do just as we know God allowed satan to do to get at Job and test him. Flesh and blood are Not the enemy; but the Real enemy will use those most close to us if he can give them truth with just a Little bit of lie. Job's own Wife told him to curse God and Die! Should any of use expect less testing????  I sure thought so!

The only one who has been with me mostly on a daily basis, is my hubby, he works at night, sleeps all day, gets up and gets on the couch and sleeps till time to go back to work.

I did not understand why those i was the closest to seemed to react the cruelest, everyone had an opinion and most of them lived out of state!  This is whats wrong with you do, don't, MIND Boggling! I've spent an Unbelievable amount of time researching online and it may Very well have kept me alive, thanks to God for giving that one extra minute to research, to Know Enough Not to be Misdiagnosed, Given the Wrong Medicine that Can kill, to Know who to trust & who not to.  More than likely because i believed over 24 years ago due to symptoms, what a doctor told me must be true, i've been on meds that have certian conseqences. And at that time, One instance in 1986 this doctor Really was trying to help.
 I do not handle stress of anykind! It affects my body in some form or fashion.
Will finish this later, there is daylight and i'm missing some of it...

With Love
May the Lord Bless You and Keep You Today`

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